
The data used in this project comes from Inside Airbnb:

Inside Airbnb is an independent, non-commercial set of tools and data that allows us to explore how Airbnb is really being used in cities around the world. By analysing publicly available information about a city's Airbnb's listings, Inside Airbnb provides filters and key metrics so we can see how Airbnb is being used to compete with the residential housing market.

  • id
  • listing_url
  • scrape_id
  • last_scraped
  • name
  • summary
  • space
  • description
  • experiences_offered
  • neighborhood_overview
  • notes
  • transit
  • thumbnail_url
  • medium_url
  • picture_url
  • xl_picture_url
  • host_id
  • host_url
  • host_name
  • host_since
  • host_location
  • host_about
  • host_response_time
  • host_response_rate
  • host_acceptance_rate
  • host_is_superhost
  • host_thumbnail_url
  • host_picture_url
  • host_neighbourhood
  • host_listings_count
  • host_total_listings_count
  • host_verifications
  • host_has_profile_pic
  • host_identity_verified
  • street
  • neighbourhood
  • neighbourhood_cleansed
  • neighbourhood_group_cleansed
  • city
  • state
  • zipcode
  • market
  • smart_location
  • country_code
  • country
  • latitude
  • longitude
  • is_location_exact
  • property_type
  • room_type
  • accommodates
  • bathrooms
  • bedrooms
  • beds
  • bed_type
  • amenities
  • square_feet
  • price
  • weekly_price
  • monthly_price
  • security_deposit
  • cleaning_fee
  • guests_included
  • extra_people
  • minimum_nights
  • maximum_nights
  • calendar_updated
  • has_availability
  • availability_30
  • availability_60
  • availability_90
  • availability_365
  • calendar_last_scraped
  • number_of_reviews
  • first_review
  • last_review
  • review_scores_rating
  • review_scores_accuracy
  • review_scores_cleanliness
  • review_scores_checkin
  • review_scores_communication
  • review_scores_location
  • review_scores_value
  • requires_license
  • license
  • jurisdiction_names
  • instant_bookable
  • cancellation_policy
  • require_guest_profile_picture
  • require_guest_phone_verification
  • calculated_host_listings_count
  • reviews_per_month